Weather is extremely strange early this morning. Whole sky and street is covered with fog or smog (?). Visibility on the road is only 2 cars in front. We could not see the third front car while traveling to office today. The high way leading to office is closed for traffic, same as other major high ways. It took us 2 hours to reach office, which 1 hour is enough under normal circumstances. My other colleague traveling to Guangzhou from Beijing, was stranded in Beijing airport from 9AM to 6PM. What a Monday to start off ! This is also said to be the symtom for the arrival of winter. News reported that the foggy sky was due to sudden drop in temperature after several days of sunshine, which was not normal in winter. When the high/low humidity converges in one place, with the integration of air particles, resulted in the formation of fog. In other words, it is advisable to put on face mask when going outdoor as this fog could be contaminated with dust and air pollutant.
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