Sunday, December 30, 2007

Skiing in Korea Sorak Mountain - YongPyong

Skiing trip to Korea

This is a year end incentive trip from my company. Around 40 members took holiday trip to Korea. Places visited were Cheju Island, Everland, Lotte World, Sorak Mountain, Seven Luck Casino and many places related to Korea Drama such winter sonatar and all-in.

Sunday, December 02, 2007


2007-12-03 11:20:56

"二百五" 是个很有趣的骂人语文 初次到北京时 一提到 "二百五" 数字时 身边同事 一定偷笑 我一直想查出 这句话的典故可是就是没有人能解答
刚刚从报章读到一偏文章 说古时候的钱是以"两"计算 既是

半封钱等于二百五两 ==> 半封 (半疯)

所以 "二百五"(半疯) 也就是指 办事不加思索 糊里糊涂 也既是 傻瓜的意思
如果 还有其他解释 请分享

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Puppet show


新加坡 chilli crab

这道新加坡名菜 已经闻名世界 有很多 游客到此 都得尝一尝. 不境是外国 游客喜爱 本地人跟是对它 爱不释手念念不忘 难舍难分. 记的哦 来新加坡游玩 千万不要错过

Thursday, October 18, 2007

马来同胞 开斋节


2007-09-26 17:58:39
标签:知识/探索 休闲 谈天说地

九月十三日 是咱们 马来同胞 禁食月 的开始也是 "慕丝林" 日历的第九个月开始 到十月十三日 维持一个月 在白天内不能进食. 一般上班 同胞 必须 等到日落后 大慨 七点过后 才能进食. 他们 尽量 用这个时间 和家人 或朋友 一起团聚 祈祷 反省 和进食.以巩固 家庭 和 马来团体 的凝聚力.
图为 芽笼士乃 街灯路景

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Busy Dylan

Busy something, not sure what was he busy though. The purpose is to try out my new Sony Ericsson Mobile k770i with 3.2mega pixel phone. Did not look nice at first shot due to lens protecting sheet (forgot to remove it).


很有意思的照片. 在天安门广场 看到一个警卫 动也不动的站在岗位 守着后面那个石雕象. 虽然不知道 那个石雕象代表甚么, 我想应该和革命运动有关. 手上握着小红簿 头上戴着小红徽.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

回憶 北京日记 [2007年09月11日]

从北京回到新加坡 已经快半年了. 也逐渐习惯这里的生活方式. 必竟这里才是我的家.我出世和读书的环竟. 但是偶尔回想起了在北京上班的情景很多美好 回亿.记得初到北京时是三月初 冬末 气温是十度以下 又冷又干 皮肤开始破裂喉咙又干又痛 家里到处有静电 又无戚无挂苦不堪言家里又无暖气 真是 活受罪 后来 渐渐 习惯 了以后 却喜欢上了北京. 那时 还乘着得空时间 到处逛. 图为新加坡 同事一起游山西时影

新加坡 七月歌台

标签:知识/探索 谈天说地 文化

农历七月是个热闹月份. 七月也叫中元节, 也是一年一度的"鬼"节. 第二世界的大门开放 让兄弟们 回返 世间 欢度 三十天. 这其间人门都忙着烧银子 拜祭 先人, 整个仪式 活动方式 都充满了独特地方色彩和明间文化. 歌台演唱会 更少不了. 据说 歌台前俩排空椅子是让兄弟们的.歌星除了新加坡,也来自马国, 台湾 以及中国. 她们也个个都浑身懈术 的发挥其长 融入这特别慶祝 活动. 顺便賺一点外快.我国政府也提昌 鼓励 和 保留这些活动.再加上 电影"881" 的放映. 使到今年中元节电特别热闹. 图为歌台红星刘铃铃.

Friday, September 07, 2007


农历七月是个热闹月份. 七月也叫中元节, 也是一年一度的"鬼"节. 第二世界的大门开放 让兄弟们 回返 世间 欢度 三十天. 这其间 人门 都忙着 烧银子 拜祭 先人, 整个仪式 活动方式 都充满了 独特地方色彩 和 明间文化. 歌台演唱会 更少不了. 据说 歌台前俩排 空椅子 是让 兄弟们的. 我国政府也提昌 鼓励 和 保留这些活动.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

One Blank File

Coincidentally two brothers dropped their front tooth almost at the same time. Not only speaking with leaking wind now, but also food biting with special marking.
The growing process is more prominently displayed. But for the old, this process is stressful as every moment of growing for the children represents every moment of aging.
If I also drop the front tooth like them, that is the end. It's will be another teethly problem.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Where there is love, there is happiness

Sounds nice and soothing. All people want to love and to be loved, which they think will lead to happy ending. In reality it is just the opposite; Where there is love, there is suffering. In a lifetime, there are so many things that remain unknown and need to be learned. The person you love and see as perfect today may not be the same tomorrow. Life is not a single roll of feature film that comes to a conclusion easily in the end nor is it water in a glass that is transparent to the bottom.

Interesting paragraph that I read from a book. The female spouse said that prior to their marriage, when they dined out together, she hardly needed her own hands with her. But after getting married and having the fisrt child, she never seemed to have enough hands to deal with the trouble her husband put her through. A loved one had turned into a trouble-maker in barely one year.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Pinehurst Golf Club

One month stint in Ayuthaya, Thailand on working assignment has provided good teaching for me. I worked 12 hours per day (including Saturdays). Thailand operation was tough as it was not too ready to produce current customer's specified parts. Everyday is a drudgery and hard struggle as if going through war or "hell". Discovered new surprises in each day and it can really drives one's up to the wall and go crazy. Somehow I started to complain and asked why me? why I am here?

Then with a calm and peaceful mind, I realize that life is not always a smooth journey. Sometimes good, sometimes bad and this is following the nature way of life. Probably my previous experience was too smooth and so I expect my current job to be the same. But how can it be the same? Looking at the surrounding of my accommodation (a country club house) appreciating the beautiful greenery of the golf course, it made me feel good and settle. This is a good dhamma lesson.

Wat Mahathat - Historical Park

Amazing site of The Sandstone Buddha Image at Ayuthaya. This Buddha Head is the only remainder of the entire image appeared at the base of Bodhi Tree, where the Lord Buddha gained enlightenment. No one knows where is the body and lower limbs go to, but this site is well received by the devotees and became of the main holy attractions throughout the country.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Thailand Motorcycle Taxi

The new company that I work now has a factory located in Ayuthaya of Thailand, 50km away from Bangkok city. It is an industrial area with many industrial parks and factories. It is quite “ulu” place compared to Bangkok, and not so many taxi and “tutu” transport here. But there are many motorcycles on the road including “motor-taxi”. I tried this motor-taxi to move around this dead town to the nearest shops for sight seeing. It was quite exciting to be carried around as pillion rider without helmet. I wonder whether my insurance policy has this coverage if something happen to me on the road?

Temple Wat Panan Choeng

Wat Panan Choeng

This is another ancient temple 5 minutes away from the temple of victory. This temple is an old monastery housing Thailand’s largest ancient Buddha image known as “Luang Po To”. It also housed the Chinese三宝佛宫 and 观音菩萨 believe to protect those who sail, since much sailing was done by the Chinese then, for trade or for migration. As this temple and many others were built at the centre of river, boat ride service is available to cruise round and view the magnificent and ancient temple structures.

The Great Temple of Victory in Ayuthaya

Wat Yai ChayaMongkol

It looks similar to the famous Ang Ko Wat temple, but this is in Thailand. Established 660 years ago and was proclaimed by the King U-Thong as the royal temple then. The temple had been the place of many important historical events. It was the seat of the Buddhist patriarchs and monks of the Forest Tradition which was noted for the practice of meditation and insight. The name “Temple of Victory” was derived from the Chedi built to commemorate the renowned victory of King Naresuan over the massive Burmese invasion in 1593. There is also a huge reclining buddha statue and the main Ordination Hall next to this stupa.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

First blog 博客 post in Mandarin

在北京的一年光景一瞬间就这样过去了. 在这过去一年里, 我在剩余时间尽力学习汉语拼音及用电脑写文章, 虽然很吃力可是还是坚持尝试一下.
我的师傅嶒经説过, 如果您在单位工作找不到快乐和满足, 那就是监狱, 和囚犯没什么俩样. 可是如果囚犯在监狱里找到的是无比快乐和满足,那就是自由, 他不需要到任何单位工作挣钱也一样能快乐. 我想这应该是心态问题.如果您能满于现状, 无论在那一个地方,也一样能快乐.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

798 七九八

The 798 Art Space is located in Dashanzi, an area to the northeast of central Beijing. It was formerly a large state-owned enterprise built by the Russians in early 1959 as part of a war-reparations deal with Germany.
In 2002, artists and cultural organizations began using the space for design, photography, publishing, exhibitions, performance and art. They rented space in the factory and converted individual workshops into independent studios for art, architecture, music and fashion.
The 798 art space and culture project has generated great interest and should not be left out of any Beijing art tour.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Yuan Meng Yuan 园明园

This is one of the tourist spots that I missed out in BJ. So I took this opportunity to visit on the 5th April (Thursday) by myself. I took a public bus (number 834) from my apartment directly to YMY. This is a huge garden built during the Ming and continued in Qing dynasty. The architecture was marvelous and grand. The pillar and arch was carved with european design. There are many water features and fountains at the garden area surrounding the main palace. Xiyanglou is the first replica of European style garden consisting of 10 western style palaces and yards. One can imagine the nobel status and luxury that indulged by the owner and the guests that were invited for any parties hosted before. However YMY was looted and burnt down to the ground in 1860 by the Anglo-French forces consist of 8 countries including UK, Germany, France, Italy..... Today we only see the remnants of stone buildings as a reminder of the national tragedy. Next to YMY is the famous Tchinghwa University. I took a stroll down this university just to feel the undergraduate days again. How nice if I can turn back the clock and go through my school again. I am sure I can do better than before.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Last working day in China

As tomorrow will be my last working day in BJ, I have to return this PC, mobile phone and office badge. That will mark the end of my one year & one month stint in China. It is hard to believe that time flies at the speed where I thought as if I just came on-board few weeks ago. Even though it is just a one year stay, the sequence of change and happenings in this company is really exciting, especially so in the last 3 months. It was like going through war with lots of casualties all over, some staff were laid-off officially, some disappeared (killed) in silence, some have a sudden change of roles or department. For those remains at their current position were working in fear, the fear for the unknown, as everyone does not know what is next, who will be next and how the company is going to proceed. For me, when I was told that my contract will not be renewed and I have to leave as soon as possible. It was a shocking moment for me but I thought there is no turning back. I reacted promptly by moving my belongings hurriedly and plan to fly back within few days. When I informed my boss who was away for business trip at that time, about my return plan. He stopped me and requested to extend my stay for one more week. He fought hard to keep me by asking other department to absorb me. He was confident and sounded positive. However the waiting time is killing me softly. I have decided to go. I really appreciate what he has done for me, but I thought it was a little too late as I have moved and shipped all my belongings. I am left with 2 working shirts, 2 T-shirts, 2 pants, 1 shorts and that’s it. It was hilarious. Finally a farewell dinner has been arranged for me this Friday and so that confirms the end of my career in BJ. It was indeed a different kind of experience for me in the process. It was another lesson learnt.

Monday, April 02, 2007

The Lower Huayan Monastery (华严峙)

This monastery was built in 1038 during the Liao Dynasty, it is one of the best and complete monastic architecture of Khitan 契丹 ethnic group remaining up to date. This Lower Huayan Monastery is a historical monument and it is a museum of Art of the Liao dynasty. There is another Upper Huayan Monastery 50m away from here where it is meant for praying and hosting various religious events. The taxi chatted interesting statement to describe Datong City as “官僚腐败, 警察无赖,人民乞丐”. Not sure whether he is only joking?

45 Grottos (云冈石窟)

There are total 45 grottos/ caves with 53,000 buddha statue carved out of the mountain rock. It took about 100 years to complete these caves. It is unbelievable on seeing how these sculptures are carved, how many tools used and how many people are involved. The statue sizes range from small, medium and big, various postures from standing, sitting, lying and on the floor to the wall up to the ceilings. Different kinds of statue and celestial carving can be seen, inside and outside the caves.

A weekend visit to Shanxi, 山西 (悬空峙)

We took a night train at 2330 hour from Beijing to Dadong, a city of Shanxi on the 30th Mar 07, to visit the Hanging Temple (悬空峙) and the famous grotto (云冈石窟). Dadong has around 3 million population with a area 20 times bigger than Singapore. It has gone through the Liao (辽), Jin(晋) and Yuan(元) periods and left with very rich cultural and religious heritages. The Hanging Temple was built 1,500 years ago on the middle of the mountain (恒山) cliff. It is hanging half way the cliff and only supported by wooden pillars and stilts, long and short. It’s spectacular how the construction and architecture is done to support the weight and withstand the “wear-and-tear” and more amazingly, it lasts for thousand years !! We actually climbed up and tried our weight on in, but "Bo-Laksa" (no problem).

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Olympic Stadium 2008

As my stay in Beijing is numbered, I try to visit as many interesting and memorable sites as possible within the next few days. Obviously one of them is the Olympic Stadium. It is located at 北辰区, north east of BJ city. It looks like a bird nest from outside and thus it is called 鸟巢 in mandarin. There is a lot of constructions going on around this area and most of them are related to olympic. The nearby olympic pool is built in the building which has the shape like the blue water bubble. It has the under ground water storage tank which stores the rain water collected from the roof. It's brilliant idea as it rarely rains in BJ.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Beijing "Clark Quay"

Behind 前海 is 后海 which is more vibrant and exciting than the former. Took a trishaw ride at the "Hutong" 胡同 brings more insight into the whole place. There are 醇亲王府 (last emperor "PuYi"'s father house), 宋庆龄 (孙中山's wife), 恭王府(dawagen's uncle house), 广化寺 (1 of the 10 temples that guard the area from evils), drum tower (provides time during ancient days) etc.....
The houses here are mainly 四合院 (4 walls enclosed in rectangular shape). Gate stones at the main door of each house indicate the status and academic level of the household e.g. governor with power, teachers or military officials.

Side Gate of The Seasons Park

This is the east (side) gate of my apartment where our hired driver Zhang usually pick us up. 3 of us car pool to-and-fo work everyday. We pay RMB65 for one way journey, which is equivalent to RMB2600 (S$520) per month for him. He is very glad and happy for this amount and arrangement instead of running risk to take passengers on the streets. He is driving 黑车, a illegal taxi (evading tax).

Beijing "Boat Quay"

前海 or Front Sea is located behind the forbidden city. There are many restaurants and pub along the sea front. This is also the place to house the close relatives and government officials during the dynasty periods. Today the offsprings of these officials and rich families are staying around here. But on one condition that the architecture and building structure must be the same and blend well with the surroundings. Note that there is no customers at the outdoor table as the weather is only about 5C.

Beijing "Lau Pa Sak"

This restaurant is located at 新东街 near my house and it is owned by a Singaporean "Ah Beng". He speaks hokkian "singapore style" and dye his hair brown. I think you will never like to associate with him if you see him on Singapore streets. But here, he sells delicious food that I like such as Laksa, Mee Siam, Hokkian fried mee and even "小碗面" at the recent promotion special. So he is the one I like to associate the most when I walk into his restaurant. He gave 10% discount recently to us, without asking.

The Eight "do" and "dont" slogan

Beijing government always reminds the citizen to be cultured "讲文明" by avoiding spitting, littering and refrain from talking loudly in public. The premier Mr. Wen 温 came out with The proud eight "do" and disgraceful eight "don't".
Hard to explain every details but roughly the "dos" are hardworking, discipline, unity, service and love the country. "Donts" are the direct opposite. Strange thing here is religion is not very well supported and propagated. Hardly find any churches or temples around the city. Some of the good things like behaviours, disciplines and human characters can be taught through religious teaching, instead of the government. Maybe this has got to do with history that all religions are deemed to be "superstitious" and it were discouraged at that time (till today).

Guard at the Seasons Park

It has been quite sometime that I wanted to write about the security guard at my apartment. Reasons being these guards always change every alternate months, every few weeks or sometimes few days. I found out some behind storys about the job. Their job is as simple as opening door and greeting whenever residence or visiting guest walk in. No checking on identity or verification is needed. They are paid S$120 per month, but only get 1 month salary upon completing 2 month job. One month is kept at management office as guaranty (for not quitting). One meal is provided per day. These guards are normally coming from other provinces, very eager to work in Beijing which is their dream city, big, prosperous and filled with vitality. One of the previous guard told me that he paid huge sum (about S$1000) to the job agency to go Beijing. Upon arrival, he could not find the working place mentioned by the agent and he realized that he (and his cousin) was cheated. They ended up sleeping at the underpass as they had no money at all. Later they were spotted by the management office and introduce them to work as guards at our apartment. However not long after, he decided to run away as this is not the job he wanted. He did not call home to his parents as he still has no money after working for 2 months. I gave him S$40 to buy train ticket back to his home town at Jilin. It was a nightmare for him.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Shocking Moment

It was early in the morning that my boss called me into his office. I knew something to do with my contract which is due this month. I pestered him several times about the renewal status and he is not sure about it. As the company is undergoing a massive re-structuring by removing APAC level to achieve "lean" organization, no one in China APAC knows what is going to happen, including my boss. I really do not like to pester him since I know he can not give me an answer, but my house lease is due, and so as my work permit "visa". All these thing is pushing me for an answer ! Finally my boss's boss came today to make an announcement. Thank god, at last he came and gave us a latest updates. As expected, my name does not appear in the new org chart. I am OUT !!! For that moment, I was blackout and blank !! How am going to cope ? How am I going to find a new job ? When I broke out this news to my colleagues through on-line mail, my tears swelled and flowed. It is not so much for leaving China, but the feeling of leaving my good friends and peers in the company made me sad. When they wrote back "be strong" "be cool", more tears came out. It was uncontrollable !! It was just the soft character in me, which reflected the human weakness. That is how religion comes into rescue. I started to accept the reality, the truth of life that "it is not a sure thing", be it pleasure or pain, happy or sad. I am better now. That's for sure. Just like death, that's for sure too.

Snow in Spring

As I miss the winter snow last December 2006 due to my home trip, thank god and fortunate to see snow in Spring. It is surprising ! Snow started in the late night of 2nd Mar. By the next morning every where and every thing exposed outside was coverd by snow. I intentionally took a slow walk out door, just to experience snow. Also open my mouth to taste snow. It was exhilarating !

Ancient Cave House

Arrived in BJ again on the 22nd Feb, after spending one week CNY holiday in Singapore. Since we have a long week end here before new work week, me and my Spore colleague and his family went to visit Ice Sculpture, ancient "cave" house and the great wall "Juyongguan" station.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Breakfast in Beijing

The meal I enjoy the most in Singapore is Breakfast. That is especially so during weekends. Normally wake up early around 7:30am and go for a slow jog around the mental institution which is surrounded by tall trees with lots of green. Air quality is fresh and traffic is less. The kuanyin statue at one of the hospital entrance also adds on some serenity and tranquility. Best moment comes after the jog i.e. Breakfast Time !! There are variety of breakfast items at the market near my house such as carrot cake, "wanton mee", "chee-cheongfun", roti-platta or even macdonalds and longjohn silver. Here in Beijing my daily breakfast is merely "Bimbo" brand bread and butter and coffee/tea "3-in-1" type. Nothing more !!

Dinner at home

I normally reach home at about 7pm on weekdays after work. It takes about 45 minutes road journey without jam. But clear road with no jam is a “dream” in Beijing. Even we set off at 5pm from office, I will still reach home after 6:30pm. With much exhaustion, I will normally skip dinner outside and replace it with fruits, salad, bread or just honey drink at home. If I really really need something to munch, the next best alternative will be the instant noodles. These noodles are with curry chicken, laksa or mee goreng flavor which I brought from Singapore. None of this flavor is available in Beijing. Most popular brand here is "Kang Shifu" or "康师傅" in Chinese. Mostly came with beef flavor which I do not like though some said that it tastes equally good.

Sunday, February 04, 2007


The hot topic now in town is about "Spring Transfer". There are millions and millions of people will start the "spring transfer" from this week onwards. 春运 refers to the movement back to the home town to celebrate the Lunar New Year with families. In order to manage this huge human movement all around main land, China government has given concession and encourage students to move first. Since the CNY is only less than 2 weeks from now, it is better for citizen to move early in order to avoid the crowd and to risk ticket "sold-out" situation. There are many transport company also starts to mark-up price discreetly even government guarantees that the price will not changed. "黄牛票" will be common and will be popular for the "last minutes" commuters.

Friday, February 02, 2007


Remember the previous post about the cross-culture wedding between Binu, the only Indian colleague here and his Chinese wife ? He sms me this week (on Monday 29th Jan) with much joy amidst little nervousness from his message. His wife is one month pregnant ! He is rather good and sharp in shooting. I told him that his life-style and living patterns will be changed totally on the arrival of his first child. Focus point will be solely on the baby, even to the extend of starving himself and depriving all of his freedom, money and energy. Congratulations!

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Company Re-Structuring

New CEO came on-board on the 1st Dec 2006. Having worked in EMS industry and vast experience in manufacturing and sales, he seems to be a tough guy. His MBO is to slash cost by 100million euro and reduce head count by 4,000 in order to turn the company around to better position. Scary targets and fierce management. His action has caused major "strike" in our Europe factories as he plans to downsize HQ operation as part of the 4,000 cut. In APAC, our SCM department has seen 3 silent "head-cut" so far and we are not sure how many more to come. This is worse than "fear-factor" as we have no hints about when our turn will come. It was a sad moment for our department this week. Anyway looking at the positive side, we will only be able to stay on our job for long if the company survives. It is a cruel world.

Beijing NTUC fairprice equivalent

We have NTUC fairprice in Singapore almost in every corner possible. I found one of similar kind here and it is called "JinKeLong" or "京客隆". Like NTUC, they brand some grocery items like sugar, vermicelli, cooking oil etc under "京客隆" label. The prices are generally lower than other manufacturers. It reminds me of NTUC. Generally it becomes my weekly shopping place for household groceries and food stuff like fruits since it is located conveniently within walking distance. However if import stuff like can food are needed, I will go for CRC or Carrefour.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Trip to Sentosa

An outing to Sentosa on the 30th Dec 2006 with 3 boys during my home trip. Every home trip seeing them with little changes. Second boy is now same height with his elder brother. All of them are now more "tan" due to the swimming lesson. The eldest is also now more mature than before from his speech and thinking. He asks why daddy must work in China when there is job in Singapore? I was speechless with sore heart.

One P One Family

My first involvement in the company function in Perlos on the 19th Jan 2007. Instead of the usual D&D in Singapore context, we have kind of "cultural show" perfomance in the afteroon from 2PM to 4PM at the in-door auditorium nearby BDA.
There were about >4000 company employees attended on that day. There were free gift (a bottle of shampoo !) and hamburger "take-away" for every one plus lucky draw. First price was video camera, Second price was digital camera and MP3 for Third. Of course with 4,000 strong crowd, I did not have any luck for that (though I am deemed to have luck for those draw in my previous experience). Just to recap, I have won return air ticket to Thailand, a 10 inch portable DVD player in the first price during last Samsung D&D. Also won Samsung mobile phone Twice.
It was a new experience for me indeed to be felt in the P family.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Beijing Snow

I am staying in BeiJing on Christmas Day waiting to see and experience snowing, but failed. What a disappointment for the long wait in year 2006 and still not able to see snow up to 26th Dec. Decided to go home from 27thDec06 till 3rdJan07, ushering new year in Singapore with my family. Then, you know what? Received SMS from China colleague that there was heavy snow in BJ on the 30th and 31st Dec, last 2 days of Y2006. Their descriptions of the gracious snow fall made me boiled down to my heart. I have been waiting for the whole year for almost 360 days, and no snow. It started snow when I am away!! I can only imagine and appreciate the snowy scene by looking at the dirty, stain "left-over" snow on the floor across the whole BJ city.